Grassy Meadows
(203) 856-3823
There are many questions surrounding the Zika Virus in the United States. Connecticut is not an area that it has been detected in mosquitoes. Stratford Mosquitoes are carriers of other pathogens, but not the Zika virus at this point. If you are spraying your property for Ticks, you are also getting the benefits of mosquito spraying. Mosquito spraying has limited effects because the insect is airborne. Spraying can kill any airborne mosquitoes present at the time of the spray, and may also kill a mosquito that lands somewhere that was sprayed recently. Mosquito larvae can be killed if treated, but they often breed in water that cannot be sprayed. Grassy Meadows Lawn Care and Tick Control is one of only a few contractors in the state of Connecticut licensed for mosquito applications. Please give us a call and we will be happy to explain your options.
Grassy Meadows is the best choice for all of your lawn care, shrub care, and tick control needs. Our Stratford Lawn Care services will leave your grass lush and green, while our Stratford Tick Control will keep your family and pets safe. Finally, our Stratford Shrub Care will keep your shrubs and flowering trees looking their best.